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e.f. schumacher lectures

Posted: October 20 2011

The Thirty-first Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures will be held Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 10am-5pm.

Speakers are Gar Alperovitz, Juliet Schor, and a Special Panel "Voices of Today's Youth: Occupy Wall Street and the Call for a New Economy."
The location is the Community Church of New York, 40 East 35th Street, New York City (between Madison Avenue and Park Avenue). Tickets are $50 each and the optional vegetarian bag lunch is $17. Pre-registration is recommended.
Co-founder of the Center for a New American Dream
Author of:
"Born to Buy: The Commercialized Child and the New Consumer Culture"
"The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure"
"The Overspent American: Upscaling, Downshifting and the New Consumer"
Professor of Political Economy at the University of Maryland
Founding Principal of The Democracy Collaborative
Legislative Director in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate Special Assistant in the Department of State
President of the Center for Community Economic Development
Author of:
"America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our
"Unjust Deserts"
PANEL "Voices of Today's Youth: Occupy Wall Street and the Call for a New
In this forum we will hear directly from participants of the New York City Wall Street protest, as well as other student activists who, in growing numbers, are rejecting our "broken economy system" and seeking to shape equitable, sustainable alternatives.
9:30   Registration, Community Church 40 East 35th Street, New York City
10:00 Welcome by Neva Goodwin
10:15 Talk by Juliet Schor
11:15 Audience response and questions
11:45 Lunch - Pre-order brown bag lunch or bring your own
1:00  Panel "Voices of Today's Youth: Occupy Wall Street and the Call for a
New Economy"?moderated by Dan Levinson
2:00   Audience response and questions
2:30  Break
2:45  Talk by Gar Alperovitz
3:45  Audience response and questions
4:30  Closing remarks by speakers
$50 each, pre-registration recommended
$17 optional vegetarian brown bag lunch
Tickets may be purchased at
or by calling the offices of the New Economics Institute (413) 528 1737.
Please join us November 5th for this annual gathering and celebration,
Jing Cao, Hannah Friedman, Scott Grimm-Lyon, Nicholas Kacher,
Katharine Millonzi, and Susan Witt
Staff of the New Economics Institute
Berkshire Office, 140 Jug End Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230 (413) 528 1737
New York Office, 437 Madison Ave, 37th floor
New York, NY 10022 (212) 308 2700
Board of Directors: Gar Alperovitz, Jessica Brackman, Eric Harris-Braun,
John Fullerton, Neva Goodwin, Hildegarde Hannum, Dan Levinson, Richard
Norgaard, David Orr, Will Raap, Gus Speth, Peter Victor, Stewart Wallis, and
Tim Wirth.
Advisory Board: Peter Barnes, Merrian Fuller, Bill McKibben, Otto Scharmer,
Doug Tompkins, and Robert Wade.




New York