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dynamic leader needed! stone barns job opening
Posted: February 15 2013
Stone Barns is a non profit educational farm in Westchester NY.
Stone Barns by virtue of its press power and new USDA funding ( 735k) has the potential to become quite a big guerilla in the young farmer scene of NY state, and even nationally. They host an annual young farmer conference ( 350 attendees). They have a celebrity chef and strong media team. They are starting to get into the online space.
Being co-situated with a luxury restaurant, right on the edge of New York city they have a particular clientele of prosperous people who via their programs can begin to connect with agriculture. It is fancy there.
Being founded and funded by the Rockerfeller Family.. the oldest American dynasty with its roots in Monopoly Oil and Railroads, as well as long involvement in agricultural funding in the " Green Revolution" promoting overseas development of industrial agricultural systems-- their agenda entering into the young farmer space needs to be clarified: Is this about transformative change in the foodsystem, or is this about fancy vegetables for the 1%?
This must be made clear by the actions of the leaders at Stone Barns. It must be very clear from the programming they host, and the articles they publish.
Stone Barns needs a very strong visionary leader who will clearly point this institution's young farmer work in a collaborative manner, who will engage with the stakeholders ( ourselves included) in a way that clearly demonstrates their goal of service to the community and entrepreneurship of young farmers in America. That they will facilitate wants to happen, not puff up a branded simulacra.
This is too big to leave to chance-- so we are sending their job posting to you, our network, to invite the leader that is out there, who is the friend of colleague of one of you readers-- who can bring what it takes.
We want someone great embedded there, with the big budgets and big status, and likely complicated board dynamics. Someone who embodies the values of this young agrarian community: cooperation, ambition, the new economy. Someone who is concerned with Land access and opportunity, skill-building and policy reform. Someone who brings the systems-literacy needed to support farmer-driven interventions in our farm economy. We need someone damn smart, damn brave, and damn strategic to use this force for the good.
Full job posting: