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do you see land grabbing from your front porch?
Posted: December 27 2013
Map it! With Farmland Monitor
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You can also alert us to land grabbing activity through one of the following channels and we will post the information on your behalf:
- Email: [email protected]
- Call: (202) 543 - 5675
- Fax: (202) 543 - 0978
- Mail: National Family Farm Coalition, 110 Maryland Ave, N.E., Suite 307, Washington, D.C. 20002
The Farmland Monitor Project seeks to leverage small farmer and rural community knowledge by creating a space where folks can map instances of farmland purchases for investment, and the companies and contracts involved. Using this platform, NFFC hopes to elevate the issue of land grabbing and generate concrete data to help us pinpoint where land is being taken out of the hands of family farmers.