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Diary of a young farmer

Posted: October 12 2008

Today the letter from a young farmer is written by me, Severine, director and chief logistician of The Greenhorns.
After six months on the east coast, I have adopted fully the terretorial totems of my river valley. I adore going 'upriver' to the new digs- and 'down the hudson' into the city. There is only one recalcitrant Amtrack employee who keeps trying to eject me and my folding bike from the train-- I tell him its a stroller.

That excuse won't last long. As bike-folk become more and more prevalent and assertive in our rights, I fear that the jeti-trickery and rule-bendery might have to morph into an outright political demand. Us multi-modal pedal monkeys need space on the wagon assigned to us. And the jazzy young president we so adore-- I bet he'll acquiesce.
All the jetting back and forth to the city that I did in the spring has slowed considerably-- as the pleasures and pressures of the garden, office, film and farm have expanded to fill that void of longing for the pacific side and my bosom girlies.
I am awoken each morning at 6.30 by the tap tap tapping of goose bills on glass.
Insisting to shit right at the threshold of my shed, Griffen, Gremlin, Gorgon and the ducks make no attempt to hide their dependancy.  Geese are great lawnmowers-the clearning in front of the shed is now consistently shorn- if doo flecked.
In anticipation of my mother's 60th birthday party, I've been feeding them as much as they'll gobble. (turns out they are greedy like piglets)  to fatten their little livers for pate.
I'll miss the tapping, but not the shitting.
Fall is here, frost has shriveled the last of the tomato vines, and my 1.2 acres are sown with oats+ austrian clover.
Now, its time to look forward to next season's planting plan, greenhouse sequence and taking the worms in from the cold. Its a time for eating the fatted goose, walking briskly with hands in pockets, and hoping for a nice indian summer to get my cover crop established.
And to meditate on my matra of cash crops for next year: celeriac, root celery, chamomile, calendula, marjoram, thyme.
I'm looking for a farming partner next year, so if you are interested please email [email protected]


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