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corroding our democracy (big oil, the canadian government, and the silencing of environmental science)

Posted: August 11 2015

Democracy Now on the (nearly) unbelievable story of they extent to which Canada's oil industry has stifled the country's democracy, silenced its scientists, and crippled its environmentalist movements. It is bananas, and it is worse than you would have imagined.
"Well first of all, the government has shut down the majority of scientific research in the country that had to do with climate change. This is a government in denial [...] They fired hundreds of scientists, and the ones that are left are being told that they can't release their research to us, even though it's tax-funded research. They are also being told that they can't talk to the press unless they have to have a handler and it's an approved interview. They have to have a handler from the prime minister's office. So the scientists I've talked to, they're embarrassed; they're frustrated; they're protesting. Last week in Canada we had thousands of scientists hit the streets in their lab coats protesting the federal government because they can't speak. They're being muzzled."