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Committed Farm Service ninja, launches new program! new york

Posted: September 5 2013

Marissa Codey is well known in the Hudson Valley for her balanced, grounded evaluation of farm properties ( under easement and not) and matching beginning farmers with good lease situations.

Now she is working on a new program. It is called CALF.
If only land transition were as easy as calving.
Read about more great models for land tenure at www.agrariantrust.org

The Columbia Land Conservancy (CLC) is very pleased to announce the launch of an innovative new program designed to protect our county’s valuable farmland, called“Conserve a Local Farm” (CALF).  Through the CALF program, we are working with our local real estate community to identify tracts of high quality farmland that are on the market, at risk of development, and that qualify for protection through conservation agreements.  The CALF program aims to direct listings of these important farm properties to conservation-minded farm buyers who can protect the land with permanent conservation agreements.  If buyers are not farmers themselves, CLC will also help them identify farmers through our Farmer Landowner Match program.

If you are a landowner interested in finding a conservation minded buyer to purchase your farm and keep it in production, or if you are  seeking a farm to buy,  review our website to learn more.  You will note that in order to view detailed listings of participating farm properties, you will need to complete a very short form to receive a password.  A preview of listings can be seen here: http://clctrust.org/working-farms/calf/calf-listings/.  Please note, we currently only have a few properties listed as the CALF program has just been launched.  I hope that you will check back often because we will continually be adding new farms as they are identified.
Note:  If you are already enrolled in CLC’s Farmer Landowner Match Program, or have been previously enrolled, you do not need to complete a new form to receive your password—simply email me to let me know that you are interested, and I will supply you with a password so that you can view all the details.
I hope that you will take a look at this new program, and provide me with your comments and feedback as we develop and expand our farmland protection and land access services.  Please let me know if you have any questions, or want to learn more about our programs.
Warm regards,
Marissa Codey
Conservation and Agricultural Programs Manager
Columbia Land Conservancy
49 Main Street
Chatham, NY 12037
Tel. 518-392-5252 Ext. 211
Fax 518-392-3099

Hours: Mon 8:30-2, Tue 1:30-5:30, Wed 8:30-2
Conserving Rural Landscapes and Connecting People to the Land




New York