clean food worshipping cult
This article in Elle might seem like a complete joke, but unfortunately it's not. While recently in Los Angeles, Greenhorns founder Severine VT Fleming ran into some seed schoolers (funded by the Cliff Bar Foundation) and ended up learning about the phenomenology of the “clean food worshiping cult.”
Don't compare yourselves to this woman. Besides, it's cheaper and slightly less pretentious to become a breatharian.
When juggling busy careers and lives, it's not always easy to find the time to hit the gym or prepare a healthy meal. For inspiration, we're asking influential women in a variety of industries to share a typical day of eats and fitness, to see just how they balance a healthy lifestyle with their jam-packed schedules. Today, meet Amanda Chantal Bacon, founder and owner of Moon Juice—the Los Angeles destination that serves beautifying herbal powder blends, tonics, and treats to A-list fans like Gwyneth Paltrow and Shailene Woodley. (Remember that Goop newsletter that included a recipe for Sex truffles?) From ho shou wu to cordyceps and more fantastical-sounding superfoods we'd never even heard of, Bacon's diet is certainly at the more exotic end of the spectrum, but it's a fascinating one. Here, her complete routine, from diet to meditation and everything in between. (Including lots of juice. Of course.)