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chattanoogans have a bike traffic report

Posted: November 30 2009

on the radio!  awesome. this is from Outdoor Chattanooga.  They also have Bike Chattanooga.
We have partnered with Pulse News WLPZ-95.3FM to bring Chattanoogan ears DAILY BICYCLE TRAFFIC REPORTS. Yes. Everyday alongside typical traffic reports, thousands of morning news listeners will also hear about the whereabouts and wellbeing of our bike commuters! This is a super cool thing. Most importantly, this will provide a new opportunity for us to “normalize” bike commuting. To remind thousands of listeners that we too are riding to and from work, the grocery store, school and that we might even be your neighbor. Ultimately, of course, we hope to increase ridership while improving roadway safety and awareness.
Here’s where you come in. Denise Galloway, Louis Lee, Dale Deason and Chris Taylor of Pulse News want listeners to hear directly from you and your experience of the street. Roadway hazards, weather conditions, a remarkable pre-work ride that makes sitting at your desk all day not so bad, or even brief rider reflections. What I would encourage us to stay away from is calling to vent about some prick drivers behavior on the road, a close car call, or having a coffee cup thrown at you. We want people to consider bike commuting, not run fearing it. If you need to vent about roadway harassment, please call me directly, anytime. You all know I am down to hear your commuter woes J
In addition, in their awesomeness the crew at Pulse News are willing to add all sorts of info pertaining to roadway safety. We’ve set them up with the list of laws protecting cyclists rights along with plenty of roadway recommendations for both riders and drivers.
Pulse News airs from 5am to 9am Monday through Friday. Our Bicycle Traffic Reports will air somewhere between 7-7:30am. You can call between 5-9am, your call will be recorded and played that day, or the following, along with the Bicycle Traffic Report between 7-7:30am. 702-9111. Just go ahead and put it in your phone now. This will be ongoing, so although they will begin on Monday, November 23rd, we are really going to need folks to just call. Next week, next month, next spring.
I’ve spoken to several of you about this. It’s new news to others. Again, this email goes out to a list of people who I know are committed to commuting and who are willing to own it! Most of you know each other, and if you know any others I’ve initially overlooked, please pass along the information.
Thanks to Pulse News for giving this a shot. I am aware of only one other community in the country doing this regularly, so they are exploring some new turf with this one. They also rock! Thank you for choosing to ride your bike when it’s pretty darn easy to get in the car. Questions, comments, shout outs, as always, let me know.
Ride on.



