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can we let the cows loose too?

Posted: March 9 2011

Farmer Labor Tractorcade – Sat. March 12th 12:00 Noon Madison, WI
Next week, farmers from across the dairyland will bring tractors and solidarity to the WI capitol to fight for labor rights and a just state budget. Rural communities will be disproportionately hurt by the cuts to education and BadgerCare, as well as Gov. Walker’s decision to eliminate funding for other sustainable agriculture initiatives such as the Buy Local Buy Wisconsin program.
Family farmers in Wisconsin stand with state workers, and all working and middle class families in the state. An injury to one is an injury to all! The event is sponsored by Family Farm Defenders and Wisconsin Farmers Union, among many others. All farmers and eaters welcome and encouraged to come!

You can also sign up for this event and spread the word through Facebook.
Those wishing to make donations to support this effort can do so at:   http://www.razoo.com/story/Farmer-Labor-Tractorcade-Fund?1299566160