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call for papers

Posted: April 19 2013
Special Topic Call for Papers:       
Land for Food:
A Focus on Farmland Protection and Land Grabbing

Deadline for manuscripts: May 15, 2013, for publication in the fall 2013 issue

Sustainable and equitable food systems require adequate volumes of high quality and affordable farmland. Many farmers invest heavily in their farmland; typically it is one of their greatest assets. Meanwhile, the loss  of  farmland may affect food security. In the United States, for example, the USDA reports that  the country is short by 13 million acres for fruit and vegetable production to meet daily requirements.1 While the international recession has slowed farmland loss in some places, sprawl that affects some of the best farmland continues unabated. The loss in some countries has been so great  that they are pursuing the control of agricultural land in other countries — particularly in the global south. While the root causes of farmland loss are complex, they are generally acknowledged to include urbanization, population growth, aging of farmers, and unpredictable weather. Competition for land drives up its price, making it less affordable for new or younger farmers. On the other hand, these challenges are fomenting a growing interest in landscape-level conservation initiatives. A number  of new  approaches to protecting farmland and securing it for the future are being developed, although they show mixed results.
JAFSCD welcomes submissions on a wide range of topics that explore the relationship between land use and food systems. Submissions may include qualitative and quantitative studies, case studies, review articles, reflective essays, and commentaries. We encourage submissions that draw on diverse interdisciplinary and community/practitioner perspectives and are written in using accessible scholarship.2 Papers could include topics related to:

·      Farm transfer and succession planning
·      Permanent Farmland Protection programs: best practices and performance to date
·      International land grabbing
·      Race and land loss
·      The changing face and nature of agriculture (e.g., the switch from dairy to intensive vegetable production)
·      Planning and zoning for farmland protection
·      Breaking down the rural/urban divide
·      The roles of planners, smart-growth advocates, rural development, and Sustainable Communities Partnership agencies
·      The relationship between farmland protection and public health
·      Bringing new land into production for local food
·      Implications of rising farmland values
·      The rise of nonfarming farmland owners
·      Bundling protection, conservation programs and funding to ensure that conservation investments are not undone
·      The importance of viable farms to keeping farmland active
·      Working with new partners

For more details about this call, contact editor in chief Duncan Hilchey at [email protected]. In addition, JAFSCD welcomes articles at any time on any subject related to the development aspects of agriculture and food systems.

About the Food Systems Journal         

The Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development is the only international, peer-reviewed journal focused on the emerging field of food and agriculture–based community development. JAFSCD is online only. It is published by the Food Systems Journal, a project of the Center for Transformative Action, an affiliate of Cornell University.

For more information about the Food Systems Journal, visit www.AgDevJournal.com.



Essays & Articles


land tenure