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call for greenhorns fall interns

Posted: August 4 2009

Greenhorns is looking for more residential interns!
Our amazing summer crew is off to other adventures at the end of August, and we are looking for interns to start in early 3773402753_d2fa9ea869_mSeptember.
Our farm is located in upstate New York, about 2 hours north of New York City.
Interns learn first hand about grass roots activism, sustainable agriculture, young farmers movement dynamics, and the processes and procedures of small non-profit management. Its a good windstorm to be a part of-- with long hours, lots of responsibility, fantastic library access, passionate crew and a LOT of work.
Duties include:
animal husbandry
office work/ filing/ correspondence
farmers markets
restaurant orders
graphic design
busy work
educational programming
event planning
event work
food prep/house maintenance
photo and data management
fall/winter planting
perennial over-wintering
herb processing
The internship includes:
Room and board
Resources for independent projects
Total immersion in avant gardening+ culture making.
Applicants should write a letter of interest stating proficiencies with software, relevant experience, interest in farming/ activism, professional trajectory/goals, and include references and a resume. Applicants should expect to volunteer for a full day at the farm/ help out for a full event before being accepted--its very tight quarters on the farm so we have to make sure that we can all get along.
Contact: [email protected]