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California FarmLink Family Farm Succession Conference in Modesto

Posted: October 9 2011
Passing Down Land and Business to a New Generation

Saturday, October 15, 2011 • 9am – 5pm
and Saturday, November 19, 2011 • 9am – 5pm
The first day of the conference will offer estate and tax tools, business transfer tools and goal-setting and communication strategies for families undergoing transitions. Participating families will be assigned planning "homework" for the month in between sessions, and will leave the second conference day with a draft plan for keeping their land and businesses healthy and viable for the next generation!
$95/person for first 2 family members; $75 each additional 
Scholarships available on a limited basis. Please inquire. 
To reserve your place or get more information, please contact:
   (209) 525­-4720  ·  [email protected] / website