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california farmlink announces new online linking system

Posted: March 28 2014

If you are a farmer with 2+ years of experience farming and a clear idea of what you're looking for, California FarmLink now offers a new service which allows for landowners and land-seeking farmers to connect directly online (rather than through their regional coordinator).
Here’s how the new system will work:

  • Landseekers and landowners must register for an account with California FarmLink.
  • Registered users will be able to see detailed land listing information, including landowner contact information. Only logged-in and registered farmers will be able to see this information, and the property addresses will NOT be posted.
  • Become a member of California FarmLink. Landseeker Memberships are $15 and are valid for one year. If you have previously paid a membership fee within the last year, your membership will be activated automatically. You may also request a Fee Waiver Application by contacting the main office.
  • Have a business plan or a statement about your farm vision ready, then use the Dashboard to browse the Land Listings and contact landowner"?;.lkijouhyh7loi0t09r54rre3wq2

To see more of what California FarmLink has to offer, head over to their website!