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build your network, grow our future

Posted: February 5 2014

This upcoming event from the NCFA looks great!  Connecticut Greenhorns, take note. ncfa
In collaboration with UConn Cooperative Extension, Farm Service Agency, Natural Resource Conservation Service, CT DoAg, and Community Farm of Simsbury, the New CT Farmer Alliance is very happy to present...

A networking event to strengthen Connecticut's agricultural community
Wednesday Febrary 19th, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Scout Hall Youth Center - 28 Abbe Rd, East Windsor (just off I-91)
This is the chance every farmer dreams of....the opportunity to meet every person in the state who provides support to farmers (i.e service providers) in a farmer-driven, discussion-based format.  We've got whole-group, small-group and even one-on-one meetings set up throughout the day so that you have the chance to speak with folks you can help support your farm business, serve as a resource, and grow your network, thus developing a more vibrant and profitable small-farm community.
We will also get the chance to hear from the National Young Farmers Coalition and how their work and our work blend together.
Reservations are required so as to get a head count for our locally-sourced lunch, so RSVP by February 14th to [email protected]
Complete information is available on our website at www.newctfarmers.com.  Information is also posted on our facebook page - NCTFA.
Encourage anyone you know who has been farming for 1-10 years to attend this rare gathering of farmers and agricultural professionals.
Download the agenda HERE



