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big young farmer track at winter confrerence

Posted: June 19 2012

Beginning Farmer Track at the NOFA Summer Conference
August 10-12, 2012, UMass Amherst

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And click here to read descriptions of the following workshops in the Beginning Farmer Track:
4) Cooperative Farm Labor Structures
Ryan Karb, Many Hands Farm Corps, Pelham, MA
10) Introduction to Soil Fertility
David Forster, Forster Soil Management, Newington, CT
27) Growing Winter Greens
Nancy Hanson, Hampshire College CSA, Amherst, MA

30) Nature as Mentor: Raising Pigs in the Woods
Craig Haney, Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, Sleepy Hollow, NY

34) Protecting Your Working Body: Self care & Ergonomics for Farmers
Lydia Irons, The Flexible Farmer, Amherst, MA
38) Starting a CSACarolyn Llewellyn, Glynwood Center, Cold Spring, NY
51) CSA Financial Management
Dan Kaplan, Brookfield Farm, Amherst, MA
54) Farm-built Wireless Greenhouse Monitor
Benjamin Shute, Hearty Roots Community Farm, Germantown, NY & Louis Thiery, Farm Hack, Cambridge, MA
63) Starting a Farm Mine and Yours
Elizabeth Henderson, Newark, NY
67) TOUR: Many Hands Farm Corps Farm: DIY Greenhouse Frame Construction
Ryan Karb, Many Hands Farm Corps, Pelham, MA
82) Farming Smarter, Not Harder: Planning for Profit (pt 1 of 2)

108) Farmer-Friendly Enterprise Budgets Made Simple (pt 2 of 2)
Richard Wiswall, Plainfield, VT
88) Micro-dairying
Sarah Fournier-Scanlon, Taproot Commons Farm, Cummington, MA
107) Cooperatives in Farming and the Food System
Mary Hoyer, Amherst, MA & Adam Trott, Valley Alliance of Worker Co-ops, Northampton, MA
144) DIY Alternative Energy on the Farm
Bill MacKentley, St. Lawrence Nurseries., Potsdam, NY
160) Create a Strategic Plan for Your Farm/Business
Jack Mastrianni, Sustainable Growth Partners, Langdon, NH
173) Soil: The Super Ecosystem of Ecosystems
Jerry Brunetti, Martins Creek, PA
183) Building & Managing Low-tech, Low-cost, Low-tunnels
Dan Botkin, Laughing Dog Farm, Gill, MA
201) Wholesale Vegetables at a Small Scale
Caroline Pam, The Kitchen Garden, LLC, Sunderland, MA

Two keynote speakers; 200+ Workshops; 100+ Exhibitors and Vendors; a Children's Conference, a Teen Conference, Saturday Country Fair, Live Entertainment, Teacup Raffle, an ALL-LOCAL dinner. Stay on campus in the dorms or camp in a tent under the stars.