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betting the farm, now on itunes + dvd

Posted: January 14 2013

If you haven't seen this film yet...
Since our premiere in June, 2012 at Silverdocs, and our subsequent Maine premiere at Camden, we've embarked on a very successful Maine tour. Literally thousands of people showed up at more than 30 screenings in 23 cities across the state, from Eastport to Presque Isle to Kittery.
But we've got even bigger news:
Thanks to our partners at FilmBuff, Betting The Farm is now available on iTunes and DVD!
Click here to see Betting The Farm in the iTunes store, and forward it to anyone you know who might be interested in the story of MOO Milk. The film is also on several other digital platforms. Check out the Betting The Farm website for more information.
You can also buy the film on DVD through our store.
But wait—have you already seen the movie, and don't really feel like paying to watch it again? You can still help us get the word out about MOO Milk and Betting The Farm by doing three simple things:
#1: Post the iTunes link on your Facebook page, Twitter account, or other social media.
#2: Email your friends to tell them about it.
#3: Go to iTunes and Amazon and post a review! These reviews may not seem like much, but they help the staff at iTunes and other VOD platforms determine whether a film is worth featuring on the homepage or not.
Screenings continue as well:



