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awesome workshop, salt spring island, bc

Posted: September 20 2012

Growing for Market at Foxglove Farm, Salt Spring Island, BC
September 25th, 2012 7pm
September 28th, 2012
Cost: $295 + HST
The resurgence of interest and demand for regionally produced food has created a huge opportunity for those who want to become growers and has expanded possibilities for those who are already farming.
Join veteran farmers David Colhmeyer, Josh Volk, and Michael Ableman for a three-day intensive workshop on growing fruits and vegetables for market. The first part of the workshop will focus on production, from soil fertility and preparation, to seed selection and propagation, through harvest and post-harvest. The second part of the workshop will be devoted to marketing, with sessions on region specific market planning, farmers’ markets, CSA, displays, and restaurant and wholesale sales. This is a nuts and bolts workshop which will cover a range of both perennial and annual crops and enable participants to learn some of the specific techniques and strategies of a successful market farmer.
More info here.


Classes + Workshops