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awesome panel in nyc

Posted: March 12 2011

The NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship (www.nyu.edu/reynolds) is pleased to continue its 2010-11 Social Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century Speaker Series on March 23, 6:00pm -7:30pm at the NYU Kimmel Center, Rosenthal Pavilion, 10th Floor.
Join us for an exciting multiple-perspective presentation and panel on the economics of food production with Bard Center Fellow in Environmental Science Gidon Eshel, Founder & Executive Director of the Center for Food Issues and “Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture” editor Andrew Kimbrell, and the Center for Global Food Safety’s Director and “Saving the Planet with Pesticides and Plastic” author Dennis Avery. These leading food pundits will present cutting-edge thinking from across the opinion spectrum and engage in a robust Q&A with the audience.  Associate Dean Rogan Kersh will moderate the event.  All are welcome but you must RSVP at http://bit.ly/hnpQ5p.

GIDON ESHEL numerically examines food production's impacts on the physical
environment. His cutting edge research investigates the energy consumption,
greenhouse gas emissions, land and water use, and biogeochemical cycle
perturbations of animal and plant based diets. His work has been funded by the
National Science Foundation, Environmental Protection Agency and private
foundations, and he is a frequent commentator on food, the environment and
global climate change. Gidon's training as an applied mathematician and
geophysicist, coupled with his expertise in agriculture and climate change, make
him a leader in food reform and environmental policy.

holds an outstanding performance award from the U.S. Department
of Agriculture, and served nine years as the agricultural analyst for the U.S.
Department of State -where he won the National Intelligence Medal of Achievement
in 1983- and has been a senior fellow of the Hudson Institute since 1988.  He
currently writes a weekly column on environmental issues, which is distributed
to newspapers across the country. His writings have appeared in the Wall Street
Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Miami Herald, Seattle Times, Des Moines
Register, among others.  He has also been featured in Fortune, Forbes, The
National Journal, and in The Atlantic Monthly ("Will Frankenfoods Save the
Planet?" [October 2003]).
In 1995 he published “Saving the Planet with Pesticides and Plastic: The
Environmental Triumph of High-Yield Farming,” arguing that a world dependent on
low-yield organic farming would leave little land left for wildlife.  His most
recent book, co-authored with physicist Fred Singer, is “Unstoppable Global
Warming--Every 1500 Years.”  A New York Times best-seller, it presents the
physical and historic evidence that earth has had hundreds of previous global
warmings, including at least six during the past 9,000 years.

ANDREW KIMBRELL is Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Food Safety
and the International Center for Technology Assessment in Washington, DC. He is
one of the country's leading environmental attorneys, and an author of numerous
books and articles on environment, technology and society, and food issues. His
books include “101 Ways to Help Save the Earth,” “The Human Body Shop: The
Engineering and Marketing of Life,”  “Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering
and the Secret Changes in Your Food” and general editor of “Fatal Harvest: The
Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture.” His articles on law, technology, social and
psychological issues have also appeared in numerous law reviews, technology
journals, popular magazines and newspapers across the country, and he has been
featured in numerous documentaries including the film "The Future of Food." In
1994, the Utne Reader named Kimbrell as one of the world's leading 100
visionaries. In 2007, he was named one of the 50 people most likely to save the
planet by The Guardian-U.K.
ROGAN KERSH, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Associate Dean for
Academic Affairs, has been a Robert Wood Johnson Fellow in Health Policy, a
Mellon Fellow in the Humanities, and Luce Scholar. His publications include
Dreams of a More Perfect Union (Cornell University Press, 2001), a study of U.S.
political history; Medical Malpractice and the U.S. Health Care System
(Cambridge University Press, 2006); and articles and op-ed pieces in numerous
academic and popular journals. He is also a frequent television and radio
commentator on U.S. political and food issues.
Now in its fifth year, The Social Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century Speaker
Series features a remarkable selection of social entrepreneurs and related
leaders and thinkers who have launched extraordinary programs, companies and
movements addressing the most pressing challenges of the 21st century.
Reflecting the NYU Reynolds belief that social entrepreneurship is a
meta-profession drawing on cross-disciplinary knowledge and practice, the series
presents prominent social entrepreneurs and leaders from across the spectrum of
public and professional sectors who will share their insights as cutting-edge,
far reaching changemakers.
To learn more about the NYU Reynolds Speaker Series, and to access our audio and
video library of previous speakers visit
http://www.nyu.edu/reynolds/speaker_series/. The audio and video library is also
available from the podcast section of iTunes. Search NYU Reynolds Program.
To learn more about the NYU Reynolds Program in Social Entrepreneurship, please
visit us at http://www.nyu.edu/reynolds

