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attn: farmer writers!

Posted: March 7 2013

DSCN2256We received this email from the blog reader:
We need a FARMER to join our staff and write from the vantage point of someone whose life’s work is to bring food from earth to market. Topics will include farming, agriculture, wild foraging / cultivation, and permaculture.
You Are Ideally:
- Active, non-industrial farmer versed in historic, sustainable growing methods as well as modern approaches to responsible agriculture
- Articulate author with a talent for words and a passion for writing
- Vibrant personality, interesting in building an audience and personal ‘brand’
The Ask:
- Contribute your voice to our project on a near daily basis
- Demonstrate your expertise as a farmer when discussing featured food products
- Add comments to other writing on the site on a regular (at least weekly) basis
- Compose weekly short essays on an aspect of the food production cycle
The Opportunity:
- While our platform’s primary goal is to raise awareness about Good Food and its effects on your appetite, your health and the earth, we too must be sustainable, and therefore are a for-profit business with an e-commerce model
- As a staff writer, you will immediately earn percentages of the business’ profits
- Writers that provide quality and consistent contributions will also have the opportunity to earn equity in the business
please contact: [email protected]


Essays & Articles