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are you by a phone?

Posted: September 19 2012

An organic farmers flashmob, via phone,  is happening right now!

Join hundreds of callers on September 19, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. EST in the first American Organic Phone Flash Mob to Congress. Leaders and supporters of organic farming will be gathering in Baltimore, MD at The Organic Summit, where OFRF will present The Organic Political System: How Organic Farmers' Voices are Best Heard in the American Political Conversation.
At 3 p.m. EST, hundreds of callers will compel Congress to Support Organic Farmers and Stop Stalling on the Farm Bill.
Pick up your phone and call Congress on September 19 at approximately 3:00 p.m. EST and say:
"Hi, my name is _______ and I live in _______. I am callling to ask that you please support the organic initiatives in the 2012 Farm Bill. Please invest in organic research, certification cost share, and transition assistance programs for farmers."
Find your Representative's phone number here.
With the 2012 Farm Bill hanging in the wind, OFRF will lead constituents in a mass plea to Congress to move on the Farm Bill before the November elections and to sustain organic programs that are most critical to our health and prosperity.
In our presentation, we will highlight America's extraordinary opportunities in organic production and why the U.S. Government must invest in what is the fastest growing form of agriculture in America. Our presentation will also include a video that illustrates how easy it is to call your Representative. The presentation will culminate with an audience participation Phone Flash Mob to Congress.
Lets Dial It Up for Organic Farmers.


Politics & Activism