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apply to the community seed resource program!

Posted: November 14 2014

The Community Seed Resource Program (CSRP) provides tools and guidance to community groups interested in creating seed-focused events, exchanges, libraries and gardens. It is a collaboration between Seed Matters and Seed Savers Exchange to support community seed initiatives and empower community organizing around sustainable seed.
The CSRP offers three resources to empower community organizing around sustainable seed:
-community seed toolkits, including seeds, educational resources, and seed saving supplies.
  -access to SSE's national seed exchange
The CSRP focuses on legitimizing three key initiatives of community seed – seed swaps, community seed banks, and seed gardens – so community groups can weave seed into their efforts with success.
Community seed projects revive a tradition we’ve shared in growing food for centuries: from a handful of seed, we grow, gather, and share more seeds – enough not only for ourselves but an abundance to pass on to neighbors, family, and the next generation of gardeners and farmers. Saving and exchanging seeds is the way we discover new varieties, preserve heirlooms, and breed locally adapted varieties.
Whether you are a beginner seed saver or long-time organizer of seed projects, our resources can guide you through the decisions it takes to develop projects that fit the needs of your community. Click HERE to learn more and apply!