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american grassfed conference, california

Posted: October 10 2013

grassAmerican Grassfed Association 2013 Conference
Growing the Culture of Simple, Honest Food
October 31 -November 2, 2013
San Diego, California
Please join us in beautiful San Diego as grassfed producers, nationally recognized experts, chefs, consumers, academics, processors, distributors, food artisans, and others dedicated to the sustainable and healthy production of grassfed and pastured meats gather to network, educate, and celebrate the American family farm at AGA’s 2013 conference, October 31 through November 2.
This year’s conference will feature two days of issues-oriented and thought-provoking workshops, keynotes, and panel discussions; listening sessions and a membership gathering, and delicious meals. The goal is to continue Growing the Culture of Simple, Honest Food.


Thursday, October 31
1-5 pm — Registration and check-in at Rancho Bernardo Inn
6-9 pm — Welcome reception and dinner featuring Rain Crow Ranch grassfed burgers from The Burger Lounge Mobile Kitchen
Friday, November 1
7:45 am-8:30 am — Registration and check-in
8:30 am-9:15 am — Welcome and Opening Session
AGA Board and Staff
9:15 am-10:15 am — Business Organization Options and Strategies in Food Safety Context
Brad Sullivan and Patrick Casey, attorneys-at-law, L+G, LLP
10:30 am-11:30 am — How to Work with Retail and Commercial Outlets
Jim Little, The Burger Lounge and others TBA
11:30 am-1:00 pm — Lunch and networking
1:00pm-2:15 pm — Stories from the Field: A Conversation
Kerri McClimen, PEW Charitable Trusts and Alan Geubert, Journalist
2:30 pm-3:15 pm — Wendell Berry, Poet & Prophet
Film screening featuring Bill Moyers and Wendell Berry
3:30 pm-5:00pm — Processing, Distribution, and Opportunities for Small Producers
Discussion and Listening Session with Dr. Glenda Humiston, USDA Rural Development, Dr. Lauren Gwin, Oregon State University, and Will Harris, White Oak Pastures
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm — Reception and Dinner
Mary Berry, The Berry Center, Keynote Presentation
Saturday, November 2
8:30 am-9:20am — The Next Generation: Young Farmers Leading the Way
Peter Whisnant, Rain Crow Ranch; Jenni Harris, White Oak Pastures; Moderated by Graham Meriwether, filmmaker
9:30 am-10:20pm — The Slow Food Movement and Animal Welfare: A Conversation
Richard McCarthy, Slow Food USA, and Andrew Gunther, Animal Welfare Approved
10:30 am-11:20 am — Grazing and Carbon Sequestration: Saving the Climate One Pasture at a Time
Joe Morris, Morris Grassfed Beef; Peter Donovan, Soil Carbon Coalition; Sarah Bell, 11th Hour Project
11:30 am-12:20pm — Antibiotic Use, Superbugs, and Pastured Livestock Production
Josh Wenderoff, The Pew Charitable Trust; Michael Graziano, filmmaker; Dr. Michael Crupain, Consumers Union
12:30 pm-2:00 pm — Lunch
Urvashi Rangan, Consumers Union, Closing Keynote
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm — Membership Meeting and Listening Session
Topics to include COOL labeling, AMS grassfed market reporting, new opportunities, and others TBA.
Speakers to include Dr. Glenda Humiston, Richard McCarthy, AGA Board, and others TBA
7 pm – 10 pm — Movie Night!

Registration Information

Full conference registration covers all conference activities including the welcome reception and dinner, all workshops and panel discussions, the AGA membership meeting, breakfast for two days, Friday lunch, Friday night banquet, Saturday lunch, and film screenings. The Saturday only registration includes all workshops and panel discussions on Saturday as well as the film screenings.
Full Conference $365 (AGA member), $395 (non-member)
Saturday Only Conference  $100 (AGA/Slow Food member), $125 (non-member)



The elegant and gracious Rancho Bernardo Inn will host this year’s conference. We have a limited number of rooms set aside at the special conference rate of $159 per night per room, which includes parking and wi-fi, as well as a discounted rate for golf and spa services. Please call the Inn at 800-542-6096 and ask for the American Grassfed Association rate. Deadline for room reservations is October 1!


No need to rent a car — all conference events will take place at the Rancho Bernardo Inn. Super Shuttle is offering conference attendees a discount on transportation between the airport and the conference. Their shared van service is efficient and economical, and you might make some new friends during the ride.
Make your online reservation here, or you may also call 1.800.258.3826 to make reservations.  Please make sure to mention you are with the AGA Conference 2013 or use group code MQ8J3.



