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amazing researcher, with output food history

Posted: August 21 2012

History at the Table

"History at the Table" aims to serve as a central point of information and discussion about emerging collaborations among working farms, local and regional food networks, and historic sites and organizations, with a particular focus on the American northeast. The blog focuses on the emerging role of historic sites and museums in creating and sharing collective knowledge about both the past and present of farming. We see this as a way to help clarify the complex history of individual and political choices that created industrial agriculture and the equally long history of questioning and resistance that has contributed to a variety of “alternative” models over time, including the many efforts currently underway to build more equitable and sustainable modes of food production and consumption.
We hope to pose provocative and productive questions about (a) the challenges and opportunities in these collaborations and (b) the hard task of creating a broad public conversation about food and farming that draws on the critical tools of historical inquiry and resists the association of small-scale farming with "pastness."
The blog's creator is Cathy Stanton, a cultural anthropologist with an interest in public history, historical performance, and commemorative behaviors of all kinds. You can read more about Cathy on her website or contact her by email.
We welcome proposals for guest posts, as well as suggestions for additional links and resources.

