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amazing communications job

Posted: July 29 2012
New England Farmers Union Education Foundation is seeking to add a Communications Coordinator to our team.  NEFUEF is the charitable arm (501c3 organization) of the New England Farmers Union, a member driven organization of farmers and non-farmers.  Our focus area is all six New England states:  Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.  NEFUEF has in place a database powered by Salsa and a WordPress system for our website.  We have over 1,500 members.  We publish a monthly enewsletter, release policy alerts as needed, and create press releases on a regular basis.  We have regular commitments to numerous publications in New England to write monthly or quarterly articles.
We need someone with skills in communications and marketing to join our team to focus on these tasks, in conjunction with our membership, policy and program staff.  It is essential that you have some experience with agriculture in New England and/or on the national level, that you know and understand language used in the sustainable agriculture community, that you have demonstrated an ability to think strategically about messaging and marketing, and that you are part of regional and/or national food system networks.  At the present time, this is a part-time, employed position with the opportunity to expand to fulltime.
Hours:  Part-time, 20-24 hours a week
Salary:  $20,000-24,000, plus benefits
Requirements:  Experience with Google docs, WordPress, cloud computing, online databases, all office software, excellent writing skills, knowledge of agricultural issues and language, background in messaging and marketing, experience with all media including video, print, radio. Experience with graphic design and video editing software helpful.
Position will be open until filled.
Tasks include:
  1. Coordinate website text changes with rest of team at NEFU.
  2. Manage monthly enewsletter – develop plan, solicit/coordinate/edit and create content and design.  Work with Salsa to deliver to members.  Write articles as needed doing research, farmer profiles, interviews, and working with guest writers; edit other people’s articles; collect events, news listings, and resources for posting; and proof entire newsletter.
  3. Press releases, OpEds and Letters to the Editor.  Prepare and deliver as needed to the news media.  Work with farmer members to draft op-eds and LTEs. Develop comprehensive media list for NEFU database and establish relationships with leading agriculture reporters throughout the six New England states.
  4. Prepare and deliver policy and news alerts, updates on issues, event notices and invitations for members and prospective members.
  5. Communicate latest news via social media, Facebook and others.
  6. Write, edit and arrange for articles to be sent to National Farmers Union’s newsletter about New England activities.
  7. Assess current media database and develop it to include leading media in all six New England states.  Maintain and segment contact lists in database.
  8. Reach out to other publications in New England with whom we might develop journalistic relationships (regular byline on policy, regular advertising for membership).  Examples include Edibles, food co-op newsletters, Farming magazine, annual buy local farm guides, etc.
  9. Write, edit and proof NEFU and NEFU Education Foundation communications/publications (appeal letters, one-pagers, brochures, posters, etc.).
  10. Amplify the voice of NEFU in all media by building relationships.
Send resume, cover letter and two writing samples to:
[email protected]
To view this job description on-line please click here.