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alabama urban farm

Posted: October 29 2009

check this one out:
Jones Valley Urban Farm is a community-based non-profit organization in Birmingham, Alabama.

Utilizing over 3 acres of vacant downtown property, JVUF grows organic produce and flowers, educates the community about healthy food, and helps make Birmingham a vibrant community.rooster

  • Organic produce sold at local farmers markets, restaurants, farm stands, grocery stores, and a Food Box subscription
  • Educational programs for children and adults, including:
    • an accredited high school Agriscience program
    • a K-8 nutrition education field trip program
    • teacher workshops
    • organic gardening and healthy lifestyle programs
    • preschool gardening
    • adult workshops
    • community and nutrition programs
    • internship opportunities for high-school, college, and graduate students
    • community partnerships focusing on
    • preventing childhood obesity
    • hunger and access to healthy foods
    • sustainable agriculture
    • farm to school markets community composting

Our Vision
JVUF will be a model sustainable urban farm that teaches youth and the Birmingham community about sustainable agriculture and nutrition through outdoor experiential education.



