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ag census!
Posted: May 28 2013
A reminder from the Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund
May 31, 2013 is the last day to return your Agriculture Census Form!
(1) By Mail: Farmers can return their forms by mail to:
Census of Agriculture
1201 East 10th Street
Jeffersonville, KY 47132
1201 East 10th Street
Jeffersonville, KY 47132
(2) Online: Farmers can visit the secure website
below for for submitting on-line
visit www.agcensus.usda.gov
or call 1-888-4AG-STAT
Completing your census form: The Census of Agriculture data is critically important to protecting the future of our farming community in America. All producers need to complete their agriculture census forms to make sure there is accurate information. We urge you to take action today - there's still time! We know many of you have already sent in your agriculture census forms, but if you haven't please do so immediately.
Your information is private: We realize that many farmers are concerned about revealing private information about their operations and income. However, regulations prevent the National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS) and its staff from revealing information about individual farmers to any other government agency or private entities. To do so would result in a fine or jail time.