addressing harassment in the workplace
As geobiology professor A. Hope Jahren wrote in the New York Times last week, female scientists often receive emails from male colleagues that are leering, lascivious, and unwarranted: all examples of sexual harassment in the workplace. In an effort to make the best of this crappy situation, Temple-Wood decided that for every harassing email she receives — ones that include date requests, talk of her body, and inappropriate sexual implications — she'll write a Wikipedia entry for a woman scientist.
A former Wikimedia Foundation staff member, Siko Bouterse, told the Wikimedia Blog that Temple-Wood's project has been a huge success so far. "She’s created hundreds of articles about women scientists, including articles that address multiple gaps in Wikipedia — it’s really important that she’s not just writing about white women scientists, she’s also working to address underrepresentation of women of color in Wikipedia and looking at other points of intersectionality as well."
To read more, click HERE!