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Accepting proposals for 171 acres of Farmland in Stuyvesant, NY

Posted: November 21 2010

Scenic Hudson and the Open Space Conservancy (the land acquisition affiliate of the Open Space Institute) are accepting proposals to purchase 171 acres of farmland (formerly known as the Leiser Farm) in the town of Stuyvesant, Columbia County. OSC and Scenic Hudson are seeking to sell the land subject to a conservation easement and at a price suitable to keeping the property in productive agricultural use. A complete set of request-for-proposal materials that include maps of the property showing the approximate boundary, soils, topography, etc. are available at on the Scenic Hudson website.

Property Description: The property is located at 126 Sharptown Road in Stuyvesant, NY. It is a mixed landscape of crop and pasture land, steep forested slopes and wetlands. The property consists of a variety of USDA soil types, including Hudson and Vergennes, Elmridge, Kingsbury and Rhinebeck , and Niagara. The land is part of a Scenic Area of Statewide Significance. A conservation easement on this property will protect its scenic and high quality agricultural fields and sensitive ravine forest habitat from fragmentation and residential development.

Mandatory Pre-Bid Site Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid site meeting will be held Monday, December 6 at 10 a.m.
The property is located at 126 Sharptown Road, Stuyvesant, NY.
Contact: Cari Watkins-Bates
Tel: 845 473 4440 Ext 268
Fax: 845 473 2648
[email protected]