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a note on jobs

Posted: June 19 2013

Dear Blog Readers,
For many years now, we have posted job opportunities for young farmers around the country.  While it has been a blast to see firsthand the incredible opportunities that button-post job color copyare out there, the sheer number of jobs that come through our inbox has become more than we can handle.  That’s a good thing, of course, especially for our job-seeking readers.  To simplify and optimize the experience for job seekers and job posters, we’ve formalized our friendship with the good folks at Good Food Jobs so that Greenhorns Blog readers can post on their targeted site.

Good Food Jobs is an online job search specifically designed to link people looking for meaningful food work with the organizations that need their energy, enthusiasm, and intellect (note that there is an editorial policy stating that jobs must pertain to sustainable food and/or food culture).

Although they post various food related positions (think working with farms, food artisans, education, economics, politics, purveyors, retail, restaurants, and more), their audience of over 35,000 active users come back again and again looking for agricultural opportunities. We think it means great things for the future of food, and we’re excited to use their great platform for the (more than we can handle) job postings that come through greenhorns blog.

The Good Fooders created a free trial code specifically for The Greenhorns and also a button for job seekers on the Greenhorns blog so we don’t lose the action.. click HERE, register with their site, and use the promo code trialgreen at checkout. Your posting will be 100% free.   In the early stages of this relationship, we will post weekly roundups of farm jobs that they have listed here on our blog as well.

Since they have a strong interest to include more agricultural positions, should you have success with your first listing, and any additional ones that you’d like to post, you can use the promo code green10. Usually these postings cost $60 for 60 days, but the farmer discount allows you to post for only $10.

Feel free to spread the word to any farming friends that you might have as well. We’re excited to see these codes get some action, and see agricultural jobs outnumber those of any other area as we continue to solidify farming as a legitimate, worthy, and desired career path for job seekers. Greenhorns is really glad to see Good Food Jobs building a strong business model, a strong community and great traction in this special realm of job-searching and job-finding,  importing talent into our food system.

If you have any questions, you can always feel free to contact the folks at Good Food Jobs directly, [email protected]  They are very friendly people, and we Greenhorns are thrilled to work with them.