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a new farmer/author

Posted: February 14 2011
with a new book, released by a "young publisher" based in Brooklyn! 
Our latest title is called Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth, and is written by 4th generation farmer Eric Herm, who lives on his farm outside the small town of Ackerly, Western Texas.
The book discusses some of the devastating effects of conventional commercial agriculture, given the excessive use of pesticides, GMO's, soil degradation, and the small farmer becoming an endangered species, as more and more land is owned by a few large individuals or companies.   However, the book has an overall positive and constructive message, as it empowers the reader (and farmers) to make changes in their lives that could influence the course of agriculture.
Eric has been interviewed on various radio shows, including public radio in NYC, WNYC's Leonard Lopate Show:
You can find out more about the book and see a short Youtube video-interview of the author by visiting:
Eric will be visiting NYC and speaking at various locations at the end of the month.  Would The Greenhorns be interested in sponsoring or help supporting any of these events, by help getting the word out?
Here are three events he is scheduled to talk at:
Farmer-author from W. Texas presentations on sustainable agriculture:
Eric Herm, a fourth generation farmer from W. Texas, discusses sustainable farming, local food production, and the critical need for more farmers in America to see themselves as guardians of the land. His book, Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth, details commercial agriculture's strain on natural resources, delicate ecosystems, and the farmer.
Thursday, February 24th - 7:00 pm Bluestocking Bookstore, (http://bluestockings.com/), 172 Allen Street between Stanton and Rivington, New York NY - Free and open to the public.  For more info, call Bluestockings, tel. 212-777-6028

Saturday, February 26th -  4:00 pm, Brooklyn Public Library, (http://www.brooklynpubliclibrary.org/), Central Library, Dr. S. Stevan Dweck Center for Contemporary Culture, 10 Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn NY -
Free and open to the public. For more info, contact the Brooklyn Public Library, tel. 917-275-6945



Washington Park / JJ Byrne Playground, 5th Ave. at 3rd St., Brooklyn NY - 

Tuesday, March 1st - 7:00 pm, The Old Stone House, (http://theoldstonehouse.org/calendar/),

Free and open to the public.

For more info, contact the Old Stone House, tel. 718-768-3195




