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a high schooler chooses agriculture

Posted: February 22 2011

We love hearing from young people who want to farm!  If you're a teen aspiring agrarian and want to share your story, we'd like to hear it: [email protected]

Hello, I am Ariel, and I write the blog, The Future Farmer, at http://joyoffarming.blogspot.com/.
I am currently in my sophomore year of high school, and I intend to become a farmer. Unfortunately, I am in the minority among my generation. The "successful" students of my generation want to become lawyers, and doctors. Agriculture is looked down upon in our society. As Joel Salatin, of Polyface Farm, said, "we have this axiom in our culture that farming is only good enough for the 'D' and 'F' students." Also, there's an attitude among people of my generation that they're too good to farm. When I hear this, I ask if they were too good to eat dinner last night. If they reply "no," then I tell them that they are in no way too good to farm.
This elitist attitude is partially responsible for the fact that the average age of a farmer, in 2007, was 57. In order to maintain enough small farms, more youth need to choose agriculture as a profession.
I am living in an urban area, which is difficult when you have agricultural aspirations. I am in the process of finding a summer farming internship, but that is difficult when in High School, because I would only be available from late June until late August.. If anyone knows of any farms that would take an intern  starting in late June, please let me know.
My interest in agriculture really began last year. Last year, I attended a school in Vermont that had an agricultural component.
I am hoping that I will find an internship opportunity, so that i can continue to learn more about agriculture.


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