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2013 fracktivist conference

Posted: July 30 2013

2013 Fracktivist Conference
September 13-15, 2013, Knoxville, TN
The movement to end all forms of extreme energy extraction on this planet, wrest control from multinational corporations, and give the power back to the people is becoming something truly beautiful! It is an honor to be a part of it, as so MANY of us are.  We are rising! Please join us for another opportunity to combine struggles and strengthen our efforts.
The 2013 FRACKTIVIST CONFERENCE, a collaborative regional effort, is being organized by the TN Chapter of the Sierra Club along with a plethora of other awesome organizations (soon to be listed on this website). The conference will be taking place at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville from September 13-15. We will also be graciously hosted for most meals and sleeping arrangements by the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church. (http://www.tvuuc.org/)
From the frac sand mining impacted communities in WI and MN to the newly affected folks in GA and FL, the many issues related to hydraulic fracturing are affecting people all across this splendid country! We are all connected in this struggle.
Our intention for this conference is to educate folks about the variety of elements regarding this extraction process from frac sand mining to transportation to chemical proppants to drilling & storage to methane migration to burning and beyond. We will also have our victories and strategize about how to become a more effective movement to put an end to fossil foolishness!  We look forward to seeing you in Knoxville in September.

Intended Workshops
1.       Fracking 101
2.       Comparing the Variety of Fracking Regulations
3.       History of Energy Extraction and Social Movements
4.       Regional Reports and Strategy Sessions
5.       Transportation: From Pipelines to Trains
6.       Non-Violent Direct Action
7.       Fracking ‘Research’ Initiated by Universities (A Case Study of UT Knoxville)
8.       EPA/our government and its stance on Fracking
9.       Air/Water Testing/Looking for violations at active well sites
10.   Frac Sand Issues
11.   Water and Air Quality Issues in Depth
12.   Radiation and Fracking
13.   Field Trips to active sites in TN
14.   Climb Training?
15.   Other awesome workshops you VOLUNTEER to give!
Please contact Charles White @ [email protected] to volunteer to present a workshop, sit on a panel, or with any other awesome ideas you may have for how to make this conference a better experience for everyone involved!
The costs associated with this conference have yet to be determined, but will be as low as possible. Please visit http://earthroot.net/frackconference/  for up to date information as it becomes available.


