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Posted: September 11 2012
Come check out the Young Farmer Zone this year at Heritage Harvest Festival, Sept. 15th

The Young Farmer Zone will be a place at the festival where those interested in farming, young farmers, and supporters of young farmers can share information and resources, showcase young farmer successes, and facilitate networking.
9:00–10:00 a.m. Resources and Opportunities for Young and Beginning Farmers – Kim Niewolny, the VA Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Coalition Project |
10:15–11:15 a.m. Exploring the Small Farm Dream – Sue Ellen Johnson - The Piedmont Environmental Council |
11:30–12:30 a.m. Meet-and-Greet: Landowners- Experienced Farmers-Young Farmers |
12:45–1:45 p.m. Young Farmers Discover Old Wisdom: Learning to Garden By Emulating Nature, presented by the Allegheny Mountain School Fellows |
2:00–3:00 p.m. The Joys and Sorrows of Farming: A Young Farmer Panel |
3:15–4:15 p.m. Meet-and-Greet: Landowners- Experienced Farmers-Young Farmers |
Young Farmer Panel – Hear from a spectrum of farmers about what got them interested in farming, how their farm is set up, what their mission is, how they got land, experience, resources, etc. Then organizations that offer educational resources/programs to young farmers and help young farmers will elaborate on the nuts and bolts of becoming a successful farmer, from developing a business plan, finding funding, getting connected with land, and more.
Meet-and-Greet – A social event to connect experienced farmers, beginning and young farmers, land owners, and members of supporting organizations. Light refreshments sponsored by Whole Foods.
Presentations – Learn about exciting farm models and find out about the various organizations that support young farmers and the resources they provide.
Information Booths – This will be a space for ongoing information exchange between organizations and individuals.
Sharing Board – Young farmers and farm mentors can post information, job opportunities, help wanted, etc.
There are a limited number of free passes available to young farmers who RSVP on a first come, first serve basis. Direct questions and RSVPs to
A generous thanks to Whole Foods Market for their support in making this happen.