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new resource for you

Posted: April 29 2012
Land For Good is pleased to announce our new online course, "Acquiring Your Farm.AYF takes farm seekers through a comprehensive, step-by-step investigation of options and strategies focused on access to land and farms. This free course consists of 7 topic modules. Each topic is loaded with content, plus stories and resources. Every topic includes tools such as worksheets and checklists. The course is designed so that each learner can come away with a customized farm acquisition action plan. Or s/he can focus on any aspect or content area separately.
We invite you to use this course in your work with beginning farmers and other farm seekers. Here are several ways:
1. Let your audiences know about the course and encourage them to take it on their own.
2. Familiarize yourself with the course and refer to the material in your educational programming.
3. Integrate course modules into your own courses, workshops and classes. For example, bring land acquisition into your begining farmer, business planning, borrower education or incubator support programs. Assign all or parts of the AYF course material and tools as part of your curriculum.
4. Use the course or refer to specific content in your one-on-one assistance with farm seekers.
Land For Good staff is available to present about farm acquisition at your sessions and events. We also provide individual consultation with farm seekers. Please get in touch!
We hope you will find this course valuable in your work with beginning farmers and other farm seekers. You will also find information useful to landowners, lenders, land trusts, and other community stakeholders.

