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hey, southeastern greenhorns!

Posted: February 11 2012

Young and beginning farmers in the southeast, let's meet up! Join us for an inaugural gathering of young and beginning farmers from across the region, a good old-fashioned party to build momentum and community. We're looking to start a Southeastern Young and Beginning Farmers Alliance as a resource for us to connect with our peers and start dialogue about what the community needs. This party will be the kick-off event as we work toward the goal of exchanging resources and education, creating unity, and developing the voice of the young and beginning farmer in the southeast. We hope for this to be the first of similar events in other states, and imagine it will inspire forward motion inside our individual communities as well as our region as a whole.
Beer and local farm fare will be provided to snack on, and we'll round out the evening with a short program about the initiatives affiliated with the farm bill that young farmers need to know about. Bring a friend or prospective farmer and raise your glass with us to the next generation of farmers! We'll also take stock of your opinions, issues and needs via a survey of sorts to begin to understand how we might effect future legislation, form organizational alliances, and create a voice for ourselves.
RSVP to [email protected]
{ but feel free to show up day-of regardless at to whether you've RSVPd}
Farm 255
255 W. Washington Street
Athens, Georgia 30601



