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appalachia against mountaintop removal
Posted: August 28 2010
Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington, DC, September25-27, 2010, calling for an end to the devastating practice ofmountaintop removal mining. Mountaintop removal has already destroyedover 500 of the world's oldest mountains and more than 2,000 miles ofstreams, and has contaminated our nation's waters. Together, we willbring Appalachia's cry to our nation's capital: We must endmountaintop removal and transform the economies of Appalachia awayfrom destructive mining practices and toward clean-energy jobs and asustainable and healthy future.
The weekend includes two full days of strategizing workshops,learning, featured speaker panels and discussions, cultural events,and entertainment. On Monday, September 27, we will march, rally, andsupport individuals taking part in dignified non-violent civildisobedience against mountaintop removal mining.