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rev billy + mountaintop revival
Posted: April 16 2010
People who hear the phrase “Mountaintop Removal” have a common response: “Mountaintop Removal? How is that possible?” And then you ask if they mean by that question – how is it physically possible to do such a strange thing? Or do they mean – how does it ever occur to anyone, how is it morally comprehensible, how can civilized people remove the tops from mountains? Mountaintop Removal is impossible! It’s time for the Mountaintop Revival! Earth-a-lujah!
WHEN: Sunday, April 18th. Doors noon, show 1pm
WHERE: The Highline Ballroom
431 West 16th St (btwn 9th and 10th Ave), New York City
All ages
Tickets $12, Click here to order
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