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man in overalls

Posted: November 28 2009

Here are some thoughts from our new friend Nathan Ballantine, aka "Man in Overalls".  He's a budding greenhorn, himself.  with a terrific blog.
Back in July while visiting my good friend Jane Shuput, I attended the Greenhorns benefit at the Farmacy in Brooklyn.  She spoke highly of the film in progress and the folks behind its production.  I remember y'all had some fun stickers.  The folks at the door to the upstairs let us sneak past in order to take a quick look at the roof-top gardens.
More recently, my friend shared stories from the Georgia Organics conference several months back and spoke highly of someone there who was tied up with greenhorns.
When two of my friends-- both great workers in the food movement-- recommend an effort--a group of people, an organization--, I make a point to investigate.  So, that's what occurs to me.
The other part is that for Thanksgiving I've had two dear friends, Geoffrey and Martha visit me.  Geoffrey, a friend from Warren Wilson College and Martha, his fiancee intend to marry and farm in Wisconsin where Geoffrey is from.  They shared their dreams of a 50 to 100 member vegetable CSA with additional enterprises springing up around the edges such as might include goats and homemade soaps and knitted washclothes and mini-dexter cattle and draft traction.  As I listen to their visions, I am swept up in a sense of beauty that only arises when I consider life-courses that blend creativity with communal contribution and landed-genius.  They are greenhorns... at least in some ways, though their experience is considerable.  It is the conversation we shared tonight... and countless others like it that inspire my interest in greenhorns.
More with each passing day, I gain this sense that I am privy to a tidal shift-- demographical, geographical, occupational-- in that I am priviged to get to listen to stories and dreams of the re-agriculturation of American-- of global-- society.  Greenhorns means others will gain access to this very fun, dynamic and ever-re-creating transition.
Ah, a man in overalls' feeble attempt to express his sense of awe at things beautiful and wonderful.


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