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give the gift of superfood

Posted: December 6 2016

If you're anything like me, you need a push to get your holiday shopping done in a timely fashion. So here's your push: give the gift of superfood and support Brooke Budner, an Orcas Island based artist, entrepreneur, and kick ass farmer, by purchasing her seasoning blend, Landsea Gomasio. A table salt substitute of wild harvested sesame, kelp, and nettle, it's a great gift for health-conscious friends and relatives, and delicious to boot! Order by Wednesday, December 7th to ensure shipping before the holidays. You can buy by the bottle or an entire case at a discounted rate to stuff every stocking hanging from your fireplace.

Landsea is the Pacific Northwestern incarnation of the traditional Japanese seasoning gomasio ('goma': sesame + 'shio' = salt). In this version the salt is replaced with bull kelp, a mineral rich algae and nettles, a nutrient dense medicinal plant, which both flourish abundantly in this region. Landsea is designed to let the wild flavors of Orcas Island shine, and to support your body with their nourishing powers.

Learn more and place your orders HERE.