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did you watch hillary and bernie debate?
Posted: October 16 2015
Time to pay attention. You can stream the debate here: https://youtu.be/RVHmox70vbI
One thing we noticed: ZERO mention food, farmers, or agriculture - not in the context of public health or climate change.
We are also not sure why CNN isn't hosting a easy-to-find full length debate video and lively comment section! The media prefers to offer you the soundbytes - instead of the discussion ("the debate in 2 minutes"), but don't fall for this.
Watch the whole thing, FORM YOUR OWN OPINION.
(Oh, our opinion you ask? Well, you can really learn just as much from the CNN moderated questions (or lack thereof) as you can from the answers from the candidates. We might, for instance, scold CNN for the lack of framework to really discuss the urgency of climate change (Anderson Cooper: "we will get to climate change and environmental issues later . . ."). If it weren't for Bernie Sanders, I'm not sure when the debate would have turned to ecology at all. )