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webportal for young farmers!

Posted: April 30 2008

Unleash the depths of your agricultural knowledge on the
Webportal for Young Farmers Wiki!
We are in the initial stages of creating a webportal for young farmers. Its an online funnel that provides young farmers, apprentices, and new entrants into sustainable agriculture with resources necessary to begin farming or to expand their practice.

Its a big project, but this wiki is the first step to collecting user generated content that will eventually shape and fill the portal. Also its a low budget way to get started while keeping things organized in an accessible and useful way.

So far, Wiki pages include Case Studies, CSA's, incubator farms, farm link programs, events, farm and food related blogs....and more! Please contribute at your leisure by going the the website : http://foryoungfarmers.wikispaces.com/ (once you create a log-in you are free to edit the pages).