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MOFGA's farm training project

Posted: May 29 2013

For all of the apprentices in their system and other aspiring farmers.  Such a great model. 
Here's what they're up to this week:
Greenhouse Management.
Wednesday, May 29, 5pm at Peacemeal Farm, Dixmont
Thursday, May 30, 5pm at Broadturn Farm, Scarborough
The greenhouse is a key part of any organic farm. As “the place where it all starts,” but also the place where a whole lot can go wrong in a hurry, learning proper greenhouse management is essential. Come see how Mark Guzzi & Marcia Ferry of Peacemeal Farm use their greenhouses for both starting the season and post-harvest handling as well as how they manage fertility, water, pests and diseases inside.
Join us for a second workshop in Southern Maine which will feature greenhouse tours of three farms. We’ll start at Broadturn Farm, then head to Snell Family Farm, followed by Frith Farm. A potluck will follow, held at Frith Farm.