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call a farmer

Posted: October 29 2009

One of our rockstar summer interns, Michelle, is currently snuggling with wild ponies in Iceland.  And she has thismichelle tidbit to share:
"To sustain the sacred in farming, we must find harmony among things economic, social, and ecological – among the personal, interpersonal, and spiritual."
How lucky was I to have stumbled on the words of Dr. John Ikerd just a few days ago, whose articles and speeches on sustainable agriculture, new farm economics, fostering culture, sustaining the sacred, the hope for the future of farming made me to want to stand up, do a little jig in my mud boots and shout in affirmation. Author, speaker, and agricultural visionary, John grew up on a farm in my home state of Missouri, and now sits as Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics at the University of Missouri. After devouring article after article, I was left craving more... so, I decided to give Dr. Ikerd a call.
Half of me never expected him to pick up the phone, but after only 2 rings, there was a man's voice on the other end with a kind, midwestern drawl. I stammeringly introduced myself as a feisty young farmer, and that I simply wanted to say hello, and thank him for all he has done and continues today for the future generation of farmers, myself included. And for the next 20 minutes, I had one of the most enlightening conversations I've ever had, not to mention with a complete stranger.
So if you've yet to read Dr. Ikerd or hear him speak, take the night off and immerse yourself: http://web.missouri.edu/~ikerdj/papers/default.htm#New
And while you're at it, tonight give a farmer in your life a call. Or send them a letter, just to say thanks. Because we are all in this together, and it's about time that we start spreading the love

